Olivia's Thoughts and Rants

Where I come to tell people my thoughts and my ranting never stops.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

My Life!

Okay, I'm new at this. If I'm doing this wrong just tell me! So,uh, as you probably figured out from the name of my blog my name is Olivia. I don't have a death wish so I'm not going to put my last name. Well, here's the Reader's Digest version of my life: my parents got divorced when I was 8. It wasn't very bad, though. I was home-schooled half of last year and this year I'm at a Christian Academy. I divide my time with my mom and dad evenly. Well, I got this idea from a book so here goes:

What I'm listening to: "My Heart" by The Perishers
"It's my heart you're stealing. It's my heart you take. It's my heart you're dealing with. It's my heart you'll break."

What I'm reading: The Second Summer of the Sisterhood (quote came from beginning of chapter 3)
"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
-Groucho Marx

What I'm thinking: If we can go to war with another country, can we go to war with ourselves?


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