Olivia's Thoughts and Rants

Where I come to tell people my thoughts and my ranting never stops.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Back in Black

Okay, this is gonna be weird! You know when people say, "Nobody's perfect, so why do people say, 'Practice makes perfect'?" Okay, well, they say that because, this is my theory now, you'll never hit perfect but you can get close. Does that make sense? Probably not! But I just think about stuff like that! Uh, I know none of my friends probably even read these, but if they do: Happy Birthday, Kaleigh! Uh, yeah! Good Luck, guys, tonight at Jellico! I couldn't be there! :-( boo!

Well you know the drill:

What I'm reading: Little Women

What I'm listening to: "Back in Black" by AC/DC

What I'm thinking: Happy Birthday, Kaleigh!


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