Olivia's Thoughts and Rants

Where I come to tell people my thoughts and my ranting never stops.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Hey, I know it's been awhile. There's been alot of things going on. Um, my family's company is being sold. And I'm not sure we'll get the money from it. I mean it's 4 million dollars! But it might go to my great aunt who sued us. I'm just so tired of it. Everythings going wrong. Anyway, my birthday is coming up! Yay! Go ahead, sing to me. Ya done? Good. Thanks, I appreciate it. I've decided to play basketball. And soccer. I'm trying to stay busy so I don't have to think about the whole family situation. I like being rich. I'm good at it. It's my favorite quality. Now, I'm that-girl-who's-family's-company-was-sold-because-her-own-family-turned-on-her.

What I'm listening to: "Train" by Flypside

What I'm reading: Emma by Jane Austen

What I'm thinking: I miss my money.

Keep women suffering of breast cancer in your prayers.


At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello olivia

At 7:20 PM, Blogger olivia said...

um, hi


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